{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "", "description": "Field and attribute descriptions: Listed from most relevant to leastTrail Status (TRLSTATUS)\tCurrent state of the physical trailOpen: Trail/bikeway is open to the public, free of chargeOpen- Fee: Trail/bikeway is open to the public, access fee is chargedOpen \u2013 Restricted: Trail/bikeway is open to the public, but access is restricted \u2013 ex by permit or reservation onlyClosed: Trail/bikeway exists but is not open to the publicDecommissioned: Trail/bikeway has been removed from service or transferred to another jurisdictionPlanned: Planned trailProposed: Proposed trail/bikeway Programmed: Trail/bikeway is programmedConstruction: Trail/bikeway under constructionDetour: Detour route for temporarily closed trail/bikewayUnofficial: Unofficial trail/bikeway, e.g. \"cow paths\"Unknown: Status of the trail/bikeway unknownCurrent Gap: Gap in Dakota County trail system or RBTN systemFuture Gap: A long-range gap in Dakota County trail system. These gaps can be found with future roads or future development areas.Specific Route Type (SPEC_TYPE)Trail/bikeway specific type4WD: Four wheel drive vehicleAdvisory Bike Lane: A bicycle lane into which motor vehicles may legally encroach. An advisory bicycle lane is often \u2014 but not always \u2014 used in conjunction with centerline removalATV: All terrain vehicleBicycle Boulevard: Lower volume, lower speed residential streets designed to prioritize bicycle through travel while discouraging motor vehicle traffic and maintaining relatively low motor vehicle speedsBike Facility Type TBD: Undetermined bike facility type. Use for planning onlyBike/Pedestrian Bridge (Separation TBD): Use for planning onlyBike/Pedestrian Tunnel (Separation TBD): Use for planning onlyBikeable Shoulder: Paved shoulders provide for the accommodation of bicycles as well as disabled vehicles, delivery vehicles (ex: postal, garbage, etc.), and in the absence of sidewalks \u2014 pedestrian walkways. Shoulders differ from bike lanes since they typically have fluid dimensions. Shoulders frequently disappear in constrained areas or where traffic bypass or turn lanes are required. In contrast, bike lanes are continuous and have special designs so as to maintain dedicated bikeway space especially through right turn lanes and intersectionsBuffered Bike Lane: A bicycle lane with pavement marking buffers to provide separation from motor vehicle travel lane and/or parking laneContraflow Bike Lane: Contra-flow bicycle lanes are bicycle lanes designed to allow people to ride in the opposite direction of motor vehicle trafficCycle Track/Separated Use Sidepath: A cycle track is a high-priority protected bikeway that is separated from adjacent motor vehicle travel lanes by a curbDog Sled & Skijoring: Dog Sled & SkijoringDual Bike Lane/Shared Use Sidepath (Full Accommodation): Only for agencies using centerlines for all bikeway data \u2014 if an agency is using centerlines for on-street and separate line work for trails, do not use this classificationDual Shoulder Accommodation/Shared Use Sidepath (Full Accommodation): Only for agencies using centerlines for all bikeway data \u2014 if an agency is using centerlines for on-street and separate line work for trails, do not use this classificationEquestrian: Horse, with or without pack animalsMotorcycle: Motorcycle or motorbikeMotorized Watercraft: Motorized WatercraftMountain Bike: Non-motorized bike for off-trail useMulti Use Trail/Shared Use Trail: A multi-use trail is a two-way bikeway physically separated from motor vehicle traffic for biking, walking and other nonmotorized usesNon-Motorized Watercraft: Non-Motorized WatercraftOn-Street Protected Bike Lane: A bike lane on street level protected from traffic by bollards, planters, parked cars or other barriers from moving trafficPedestrian Bridge: Pedestrian-only bridgePedestrian Trail: Pedestrian-only trailPedestrian Tunnel: Pedestrian-only tunnelPortage: PortageSeparated Use Bike/Pedestrian Bridge: Bridge with separation between bicycle and pedestrian travel lanesSeparated Use Bike/Pedestrian Tunnel: Tunnel with separation between bicycle and pedestrian travel lanesSeparated Use Trail: Off-street trail where biking and walking are separatedShared Bike/Bus Lane: A lane shared by only buses and people bikingShared Use Bike/Pedestrian Bridge: A bridge where biking and walking share spaceShared Use Bike/Pedestrian Tunnel: A tunnel where biking and walking share spaceShared Use Sidepath (Trail Adjacent to the Street): Shared use off-street trail adjacent to streetSharrow/Shared Lane: A street marking placed in the travel lane to indicate where people preferably should cycleSidepath (Separation TBD): A sidepath (separation TBD) could become a cycle track with sidewalk or a shared use sidepath but should be used for planning onlySigned Bike Route: Bicycle route designated with signs onlySnowmobile: Snowmobile trailSnowshoe: Snowshoe trailStandard Bike Lane: Standard Bike LaneTrail (Separation TBD): Use for planning onlyX Country Ski: Cross country ski trailNot Specified: Not specifiedSidewalk: SidewalkCrossing: Line to linking a sidewalk/trail/bikeway across a location without a bicycle/pedestrian facility, such as a streetCrosswalk: Painted crosswalkPedestrian and Bicycle Gap: Location of missing trail or sidewalk along a county or state roadBicycle Gap: Location of missing trail along a county or state road. Sidewalk exists.Regional System (REG_SYS)Whether the trail/bikeway is on a regional system.Yes. Only preferred alignments are attributed \u201cYes\u201d NoDakota Regional System (DAKREG_SYS)\tField with more entry options, for internal Dakota County use.Yes \u2013 Open trail, or primary alignment of master planned trail.No Vision- Regional trail vision. These are the remaining segments that have not been master planned, and are not open regional trails. Existing segments may be attributed with this value, but are not yet part of a completed regional trail. Non-existing segments that have not been master planned are also attributed by this.MP2nd \u2013 Secondary alignment of a master planned trail.Managing Agency (MANAGEAGCY)\tOrganization with legal right to control or regulate the access to and use of the trailDakota Cty Highway DeptDakota Cty Parks DeptTrail Name (TRAILNAME)\tName of major trail system the trail or segment is a part of, if applicable.Regional Bike Transportation Network (RBTN)\tWhether segment is part of the Regional Bicycle Transportation Network \u2013 currently or plannedTier 1: Tier 1 AlignmentTier 2: Tier 2 AlignmentT1Cor: Tier 1 CorridorT2Cor: Tier 2 CorridorState System (STATE_SYS)\tWhether the trail/bikeway is on a state system (e.g. Luce Line State Trail)YesNoCounty System (CTY_SYS)\tWhether the trail/bikeway is on a county systemYesNoLocal System (LOC_SYS)\tWhether the trail/bikeway is on a local systemYesNoTribal System (TRBL_SYS)\tWhether the trail/bikeway is on a tribal systemYesNoLandowner (LANDOWNER)\tOwner of land beneath the trail/bikeway.01: Owned by federal government or agency02: Owned by state government or agency03: Owned by county government or agency04: Owned by a special district government or agency05: Owned by municipal government or agency06: Owned by a tribal agency07: Owned by a regional government or agency08: Owned by a port authority09: Owned by a joint government or agency10: Owned by a school district11: Unknown12: No value13: Owned by a private individual or businessAgency Type (AGCY_TYPE)\tType of managing agency01: Managed by federal government or agency02: Managed by state government or agency03: Managed by county government or agency04: Managed by a special district government or agency05: Managed by municipal government or agency06: Managed by a tribal agency07: Managed by a regional government or agency08: Managed by a port authority09: Managed by a joint government or agency10: Managed by a school district11: Unknown12: No value13: Managed by a private individual or businessShared Name (SHAREDNAME)Other name that the trail or trail segment is known by when the trail/segment is part of more than one route.Federal System (FED_SYS)\tWhether the trail/bikeway is part of a federal government agency.YesNoNational System (NTL_SYS)Whether the trail/bikeway has national trail designation (i.e. Mississippi River Trail, historic, scenic, recreation, millennium, or legacy)YesNoFeature Unique ID (UNIQUE_ID)\t36-character globally unique identifier", "summary": "", "title": "Bicycle and Pedestrian Network", "tags": [], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "", "portalUrl": "" }